Saturday, April 24, 2010

for my REAL ladies

Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:36 PM
is that your ass?

Current mood: disappointed

Ladies. now, lets think about whats going on. What am i talking about?

I'm talking about, lets take a look at how we present ourselves.

We do all this talking about how men treat us like objects, and how all these images that our younger ladies are seeing are promoting unhealthy expectations, and how beauty is only skin deep, and it's our minds and not our bodies,...,.. get it yet?

YET- we continue to post degrading pictures of ourselves, commenting on ourselves about how "sexy" we are, and don't you wish you could have this, and whatever whatever.

Would you want your little sisters ass like that on the internet? i doubt it.

Get real. Take a look at what you are representing, Who you are representing, what you are expecting in return. is it really necessary to show everyone the ass , or random other parts of your body?

how about posting pictures of the YOU that is behind all those parts.

Not too mention, how is it that individuals can go in public, or on stage, or in a book, or whatever means of media that are being presented to our younger generation, and promote self esteem, confidence, self worth... you know, like teaching these girls that they don't HAVE to live with someone who puts them down, or hits them, or talk to them like they aint shit... yet, we turn around and treat ourselves like shit? thats hypocritical.

I'm offended. you make it that much harder for those of us that actually respect ourselves, and don't feel the need to show up on the internet half naked.

yes, you say you are confident, and that you know you are beautiful- and by all means- you are. This is not to say otherwise.

However, is it a requirement that anyone who is confident with themselves, do so at the cost of their self respect?

okay, maybe this souind confusing and jumbled.

but here it is flat out.

you are beautiful. no matter what the fuck anyone says. you are beautiful if you believe it.
but if you feel the need to treat yourself like a sex object in order to feel beautiful, are you being honest with yourself?

remember who you are, who, what where, etc you represent. If you have a job, and that job is to stand up for issues, don't be part of the issue.

get it ?

keep your bedroom, in the bedroom.

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