Saturday, April 24, 2010

after the shooting at Virgina Tech..

Tuesday, April 17, 2007 10:24 PM
"Is my Daddy dead?"
Current mood: morose

How can we live in a world where little Aiden has to ask, "Is my Daddy dead?"

How i wish i could live in the little Hokie's world, where anything unneccesary is not in cognition.

Lacerations of our souls are poured into our minds on a daily basis through images streaming in a box. but what we don't see is we are LIVING IN THE BOX. we are shocked when tragedy strikes, and are quick to place blame, but do we stop to ask ourselves do we play a part? Does this not happen everyday?

hopes dreams and prospect of future are shred by our own lack of compassion. by our obsession with self. when is the last time you or i looked at someone, you didn't know, and asked how they were. and if you did, were you really listening? it only takes a second to notice that your friend or neighbor may be in need. or maybe it's you that is in need. are you willing to ask for help?

how about the last time someone held the door for you... did you look at them and say thank you with sincerity? or did you mumble acknowledgement with your back turned. It's simple things that I'm saying here.. simple things. hey, how ya doin. hey, how was your day.. hey- thanks for being in my life...

it's that easy.

please, please, never miss an opprotunity to tell someone you love them, you appreciate them, you're grateful they are in your lives. because as cold as you think it is outside, that persons heart may be growing colder by the minute... you just might be the one to turn it around..

I love you all.

and i mean it till the day i die. and then some.

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