Saturday, April 24, 2010


Sunday, February 04, 2007 10:45 AM
thats what i think.
Current mood: infuriated


It's not my problem. It's not my community. It's not my job. It doesn't affect me. One person can't make a difference.

Hate, hostility, resistence, resentment, rasicm- affects us all.

We are not the creators of this system- rascism dates back to the formation of our country tis of thee. Yet we perpetuate this condition of tradition and our own white priviledge when we fail to get involved, becoming responsible for racism when we don't do anything to stop while we didn't cause it, we continue it. And while we won't be able to stop it on our own, we must not turn our backs on taking action.We can make a difference. We can confront the vulgarity when we see it. But it is only when we believe it, that we will see it. As a nation, as a world, as a race of human beings, it is not only our duty, but also our human nature to do what is right. we were not born this way. Hate is a learned calamity.We have a choice. To stand up and take action, side by side, hand in hand, or sit back and wait until March when every one forgets again.

What are you willing to do to make a better world for our children?
What are you willing to put on the line to end the hurt. My fair skinned people- What are you willing to give up? Your fancy cars? your corner office? your 5 bedroom colonial in the developments of suburbia, nested away from the pain, the loss, the suffering?

Have you been conditioned to believe the racist lies we are fed thru our mindless surfing?

Have you gotten comfortable with the priviledges that you claim you can't see bestowed upon you by the color of your skin?

Are you deaf to the terror our continued ignorance has thrust on our neighbors all throughout history?
Oh, wait- you think that is is all history. It's over now, is it? It's time to get over it already, is it? Oh, is it February again?
Well, chum, I'm sorry to say to you, hate is alive and well. Look around. Have you ever been underestimated? Have you ever felt isolated, out of place, outnumbered, unheard? Have you ever been the minority?

Would you even be willing to?

How many of you jumped on the bandwagon after 9/11 in the name of peace ? How many of you, in one breath, in one word,spoke of hate, disgust, and diregard?
i declare WAR is not just a cardgame.

How many of you will shake the hand of your dark skinned neighbor with your right, and cast a vote to go to war and kill our killers with your left?
You still don't believe racism exists? Oh, you must be busy, in line to buy your American flag to hang on the fence to keep "them" out. Or maybe you didn't hear the news because you were too wrapped up in your "american" idol. You have become America's next top model when You smile in their faces in February, but turn your back in June.

You say god Bless America, and call for justice by writing a check for your tax deductible contributions to society, by placing your values, your beliefs, Bureacratic right wing left wing liberal or not traditions of condition on the whole, forgetting that the whole is made up of individuals.
Individuals, who,like many of our ancestors, have come to our land of the free , or were forced to come to our home of the brave seeking a star spangled nation of freedom, equality, and maybe a good cup of coffee.
So again, I remind you, we have a choice. To take a stand, or perpetuate the hate. Go ahead. Make a choice. or Go ahead, Stand in line. A new starbucks just opened down the street.

Currently listening:
Fear of a Black Planet
By Public Enemy
Release date: 26 July, 1994

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