Friday, April 23, 2010

who you are when you are alone, is who you are.

We've all heard the saying, "being better off for having known ___".. and thats pretty much always been my motto. I strive to live by that.. meeting people, and having them be better off for having known me. but ive come to a realization as of late. no matter what, people will always be better off having met or known someone. becuase whether it was a positive encounter, or negative, we learn something. we may not realize it at first, but really, that is the case.
People come into our lives for reasons. And it might be for a day, a week, of for years. In any case, there is a reason. they are there for us to learn something. it is up to us wether we heed to messege. Every day is a learning experiance.
A very wise friend of mine once told me the definition of integrity: who you are when you are alone, is who you are. i never quite understood the profoundness of that statement until i learned to be okay with myself, BY myself. No need for outside validation to feed my ego. my ego is homegrown, boosted by my own pursuit of happines. when we learn to feed our OWN ego's, there is no need for people to tell us that we're okay. becuase we already know it. It is then, that we can walk with our heads held high, with confindence that even if we don't get what we want, we know that we have what we need. Neccesity is key here. We dont NEED to be known as "so & so's girlfriend or boyfriend", or as "that guy, or that girl who..." ..or "so & so, from so & so." . We dont need to validate ourselves by our surroundings. Becuase no matter where you are or who you're with, THERE YOU ARE>.
This is not to say that there arent times we really need a friend to help us explain ourselves.. but we DO have the confidence to ASK FOR HELP.
So what does this all mean in the grand scheme of life? i suppose it is up to you to define for yourself, who your SELF is. Hi, I AM name is Sarah. Nice to meet you.
... nameste...

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